Family & Friends support
There is an association of improved outcomes with support from family and friends but it may depend...

There is an association of improved outcomes with support from family and friends but it may depend on the support (Stopford, Winkley, & Ismail, 2013).
Social support – from friends may be better for women on Hba1c outcomes whereas men more likely to have better Hba1c outcomes when getting support from family. Interventions that support family members associated with better control, some interventions may not support family members (Mayberry & Osborn, 2012).
Mayberry, L. S., & Osborn, C. Y. (2012). Family support, medication adherence, and glycemic control among adults with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes care, 35(6), 1239-1245.
Stopford, R., Winkley, K., & Ismail, K. (2013). Social support and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review of observational studies. . Patient education and counseling, 93(3), 549-558.